ARF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2016

Board of Directors

Abe Rosenbloom
Lisa Williamson
Michelle Ing
Pat Long
Karen Baum (absent)
Shauna Brummet
Patricia Craven
Randy Larson

The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. PDT.

President’s Report

Duality of Interest and Self Assessment is due for each director and may be emailed or mailed by USPS to Abe.

May Minutes

Michelle moved to approve, and Pat seconded.

Treasurer’s Report

Pat presented the report. Randy moved to approve and Shauna seconded.

MAF & LMRG Update

Pat attended the meeting in Denver. There are Senior management changes. Fundraising is down slightly from last year so grants will be more competitive.

Amazon Smile

ARF is not eligible for another 4 years as we are still in a 5 year probationary period.

New Business

Proposal Review: 3 proposals were reviewed.

Meeting Wrap

The next meeting will be August 23, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. PDT.

Pat moved to adjourn and Lisa seconded The meeting ended at 7:14 p.m. PDT.

Treasurer's Report for June 2016

1 May – 31 May 2016


Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedMay37.86
DonationsR Schultz10.00
 Jan Sherrill85.00
 Rainy Day Freedom150.00
Total Income282.86
Total Expenses0

Ending Balance



Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedMay4.11
Total Income4.11
IRS2015 federal tax32.00
Total Expenses32.00

Ending Balance
