ARF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2016

Board of Directors

Abe Rosenbloom
Lisa Williamson
Michelle Ing (absent)
Pat Long
Karen Baum
Shauna Brummet
Patricia Craven
Randy Larson

The meeting was called to order at 9:09 p.m. EDT.

President’s Report

Duality of interest and self-assessment reports are due. Each board member should send them to Abe.

Secretary’s Report

Randy will send out the March minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

See attached report for March and April 2016. Motion to approve the report by Karen and seconded by Patricia.

MAF & LMRG Update

June 23–25, 2016, is the annual meeting. Pat will attend. A new CEO, John Reddington, has been named.

Funding priorities were discussed.

Camelid Health Initiative

No news.

New Business

ARF can join Amazon Smile so owners can indicate this during Amazon purchases. 0.5% of purchases can go to ARF to help fund research projects. Payments are made quarterly. Pat will check into this.

Several proposals were reviewed.

Meeting Wrap

The next meeting will be on Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. EDT on June 28, 2016.

Randy moved to adjourn the meeting, Pat seconded with all in favor at 9:52 p.m. EDT.

Submitted by Karen Baum

Treasurer's Report for May 2016

1 March – 30 April 2016


Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedMarch67.94
DonationsR Schultz20.00
 Jan Sherrill170.00
 Home Depot match16.00
 Illinois Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association (IAOBA)774.00
Total Income1,371.14
Texas A&MRaud, chrom4,228.34
Total Expenses4,228.34

Ending Balance



Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedMarch5.47
Total Income9.44
Total Expenses0

Ending Balance
